In what is being hailed as a massive coup, Cookstown has sensationally been named as the first filming location for Season 2 of The Grand Tour, beating off stiff competition from similarly world renowned destinations such as San Francisco, Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro. Each episode of the Amazon show, fronted by Jeremy Clarkson, is set in a different location to give viewers a range of stunning backdrops to admire each week.
A spokesperson for the show stated, “Cookstown was the perfect choice. One needs only to take a stroll up Fairhill on a Saturday night and marvel at the wide array of lowered Golfs, Jettas and Leons to appreciate the rich car culture that exists here.”
It has been suggested that the decision was supported by Clarkson himself, as the sheer number of kebab shops and Chinese takeaways dotted along the main street means he is unlikely to go hungry during filming, an issue he previously encountered while working for Top Gear.
Local chimney sweep, Thomas Mulligan, lauded the capture of motoring’s favourite trio saying, “Without question this will be the greatest thing to happen this town since the infamous Donkey Derby of ’86. People think we have nothing to offer other than a few nightclubs and a really long street, but today we’ve shown everyone that Cookstown is a force to be reckoned with on the world stage. Take that Dungannon!”
In other news, reports have surfaced that Jeremy Clarkson blew the entire 3-year Grand Tour budget during Season 1, at which time he paid professional sculptors to construct a giant statue of himself kicking Piers Morgan up the arse. Amazon have assured us that this has no relevance to Cookstown landing the first episode of Season 2 of the show.
1 comment
Bring your cheque-book, Jeremy as we don’t any fights over steaks in the bars and restaurants