Motoring event experts GTI NI return in top form bringing their fourth instalment of Eurotreffen held at the Blue Circle Boat Club just down the coast from Larne.
This highly anticipated outdoor car show was put together at fairly short notice in 2021, turning out to be yet another GTI NI success story; hence it’s returned every since with this years show taking place on Saturday 6th July 2024.

Despite a chunk of the province being drenched with torrential rain, the weather was considerably kind for GTI NI, with just a few light scattered showers.
Last years ‘floor plan’ for the field, done via a GPS John Deere field star app, was utilised again allowing room for extra cars to display. When you have the team behind internationally renowned car show, Dubshed, in charge, you know you’re in for a treat and this year’s Eurotreffen saw in excess of 200 entrants.

The beauty about a laid-back event such as this one, which starts mid-morning and ends at a sensible time, is that you attract an amazingly eclectic mix of all things automotive spanning a few generations.
This peaceful and secluded venue, which is surrounded by Forest, echo’s the chorus of birds singing from the trees. The hand-picked venue was only ever disturbed by the rumble of the odd train rolling down the nearby tracks and sizzling from the ever-popular barbecue.
The calm was only ever broken when the stage proceedings got under way. Which, hosted by Connor McCann, proved to be tremendously popular with everyone. Drive-on, drive-off stages are something I have only ever seen in photographs from European car shows, and GTI NI’s research into them paid off.

Throughout the day, various cars and their owners, people of interest within the car scene, and folk who build and prepare vehicles were all invited onto the stage for a casual chat with the hosts.
As is the norm for almost every car show in the country, various prizes are handed out covering many categories. Sometimes prizes are simply left on the windscreen of a car, more often however, vehicle details will be read out and its owner gets to collect an award from the applause of their peers.
This means that many of us who attend shows never truly know what cars have claimed which prize, unless it is your mate that has won. GTI NI mix things up at Eurotreffen by selecting their ‘Top 20’ cars and bringing them across the stage for all to see.
Finally, a brace of cars gets selected as the Trophäenjäger (trophy hunter). These two vehicles deemed the best on display by the organisers.
Well done to Nigel, Gethin, and all of those who volunteer to help in making shows like this a success. A mammoth effort didn’t go unnoticed, and I for one will be sure to try my best to return next year on what I believe will be an even bigger and better event.